How to help us
There is a veriety of ways to help us! Please review the list below to support us and our animals, you can click on each item for further details.
Adopt one of our animals online (remotely)
By adopting one of our animals online, you can contribute to its care and treatment, supporting its journey to freedom.
Create a Facebook fundraiser on your birthday
On the occasion of your birthday, organize a fundraising for “ENPA Genova” through the tools made available by Facebook. Remember to specify that our ENPA office is the one in Genova! More details will come soon!
Donation is the most classic way to land us a hand.
It is a secure method that turns a small portion of what you spend for online shopping and booking into a donation to us – without you spending any extra penny!
Become an online volunteer
Helping us managing social media, fundraising and spreading the world about wildlife rescue. Contact us!
Dedicate a donation for your special day – weddings, baptisms, etc
On your special day, you can make a donation or raise funds form your guests to protect biodiversity. We will give you a proof of your support via a certificate or card (or whatever format you prefer) to share for the occasion. Contact us!
In-kind donations
Take a look at our Amazon wishlist to take care of wildlife.
To participate in our crowdfunding campaign, please click here.
Our animals are sending their thanks to you!